Qualex delivers sports-specific BI, CRM and mobile solutions that define IT strategies drive systems selections and target business process and IT infrastructure review. Qualex’s enterprise solutions include Enterprise Intelligence Platforms that integrate individual technology components into a single, unified system. This results in an information flow that transcends organizational silos, diverse computing platforms and niche tools, while also delivering new insights to drive increased value for any organization. With our iQ-Sports Data Model we provide consistent reporting and analytical platform for predictive analytics.
iQ-Fan™ Application
Qualex Fan Application provides the fastest and most responsive form of communication with fans ranging from venues to their own homes. Enhance your fan loyalty by letting your them know you care. QPA features automated targeted SMS for fan campaigns; constantly keeping them updated on activities and events of interest increases loyalty.
iQ-Fan™ insures they are informed on the latest campaigns, events and special discounts. It also lets fans know you remember them personally by sending them personal alerts such as birthday specials or anniversary offers. By offering not only bulk SMS and individual SMS sending options, QPA also schedules: automated SMS, promotional SMS, email forwarding and database integration. QPA sets the trend for a fan SMS applications.
Some of our clients include:

Qualex projects with Major League Soccer, Golden State Warriors, New York Mets:
- Implementing our iQ-Sports data model
- Fan Analytics – 360⁰ degree view of the fan
- Upsell
- Cross sell
- Customer Retention
Qualex Solutions Include: iQ-Support™
Qualex iQ-Support™ is an internet-driven solution for organizations that, after implementing software solutions, need additional support to maintain their system’s operation. Qualex offers bundles of consulting hours from its specialized consultants in Data Integration, Data Warehousing Construction, Business Intelligence Reporting and Sophisticated Analysis. All these services are provided at a low cost, with high quality and maximum accessibility.
Ticketing & Point of Sales Operations
Reporting & analysis that benefits Ticketing and POS Operations:
- Arena POS per Game Report
- F&B Sales by Store and Terminal
- Point of Sales Map Analysis by Product
- Ticketing Analysis Report
- Ticketing Customer Analysis
- Comparative Time Series by Net Revenue
- Ticket by State Analysis
- Owed-Price-Paid Amount Analysis
Sports Marketing
Reporting & analysis that benefits Sports Marketing:
- Campaign Promotion/Offer Report
- Daily Revenue Report
- Email Ticket Conversion Report
Fan Development
Reporting & analysis that benefits Fan Development:
- Dashboard(s)
- Fan Profit/Loss Report
- Fan Revenue Maximization Tracking Report
- Customer Acquisition Source Report
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